If you’re searching for an excellent restoration for your smile, then dental implants can be the best option there is. Dental implants work to support the inner jawline and teeth and are considered the most stable, long-lasting restoration out there! For those considering getting dental implants, taking extra precautions during your recovery is especially important, as it can help your jawline adjust to the new implants and give your smile the best outlook possible. While your dentist is the best resource out there for implants, there’s one forgotten piece of information that you shouldn’t ignore – avoid dairy products! 

Why You Should Avoid Dairy Products After Your Implant Surgery

Getting dental implants can be one of the best decisions you could ever make for your smile, and if you already had dental implant surgery, then congratulations! Dental implants are considered one of the most stable, long-lasting solutions to oral health, and if you’re looking into how to recover, then it’s important to know that your dentist will always provide instructions that are specific to you to help you heal and recover the way your body needs to. However, some suggestions your dentist may make when it comes to your recovery time including: 

Regarding food, it’s important to avoid foods that can injure your surgery site, including sticky, chewy, tough, crunchy, and acidic foods. While these restrictions are temporary, it’s also recommended that you avoid dairy products. While dairy is considered a wonderful source of calcium and protein, it also causes an inflammatory response throughout the body. Any source of inflammation can impact how your mouth heals during your recovery, impacting the osseointegration process. 

For some people, dairy products can also trigger a nausea response, especially for those who are lactose intolerant. Because of this, it can cause stomach acids to damage the surgical site and teeth over time and make it especially painful for the healing site. 

So, if you’re looking forward to getting new implants, avoid dairy products during the first week or so after your surgery. Over time, your food restrictions will lighten, and you can eat normally soon! However, if you’re looking for a way to speed up the healing process, use protein powder! Protein is an excellent way to help your body repair tissues, fight off infections, and improve your energy throughout the day while you’re healing! Add it to your smoothies or meals to boost your recovery and give your smile the nutrition it needs! 

Contact Smile Solutions Today For Dental Implants and Smile Care Today!

Our team at Smile Solutions can provide excellent options for your smile, including dental implants! If you would like to learn more about our services, then visit our office in Garden City South, NY, by calling (516) 872-8780 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Robert Berg today!