Our Strategies For Treating Orthodontic Pain

Braces Checkup

If you’ve just received your orthodontic appliance for the first time, you’re likely experiencing a little discomfort. When your appliance has just been put in place, you may experience soreness and tenderness in your gums. While common in those who’ve just gotten new braces, this discomfort will typically pass in just about two weeks. There are a few practical ways that you can address this orthodontic pain. Your dental provider and orthodontist may have suggestions for you as well. What pain-relieving method will work for you will vary depending on the details of your case.

Orthodontic Pain Relief After Orthodontic Care

Pain in the jaw and gums frequently occurs following a fixed orthodontic appliance placement. The degree of pain the patient experiences often varies based on numerous factors. Oral health, jaw health, the specifics of the appliance, and the care being provided are all involved elements. In addition to the degree of pain varies, the pain tolerance will vary from patient to patient as well. Orthodontists and dentists have developed a variety of methods for addressing this pain. The most common are oral medications that can be obtained over-the-counter. 

  • Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: This is a commonly prescribed medication to address inflammation. They are commonly referred to as NSAIDs and are among the safest options for addressing inflammation-based pain. Irritated gums are caused by friction from the appliance or excessive tooth movement. Ibuprofen is the most easily recognized NSAID, along with Naproxen Sodium.
  • Analgesics: Analgesics work by numbing the body’s ability to experience pain. They are frequently prescribed alongside NSAIDs to help address the discomfort from orthodontic care.  
  • Targeted Nutritional Guidance: Our dietary choices can influence how much orthodontic pain we experience after placement of an orthodontic appliance. As a result, some patients may benefit from adjusting their diets to help ease related dental pain.

Your dental provider will be able to provide suggestions for relieving general, orthodontic pain. There may be more severe complications involved in some instances that will need specialized attention. Gim irritation, abscesses, cheek tissue irritation, and the like can all be addressed without specialized care. Enamel chipping may require your orthodontist’s attention if it’s due to the appliance, or it may simply require a trip to your primary dental provider. In most cases, the suggested treatment will be as simple as wax to blunt pointy parts of the appliance or numbing gel. In most cases, the orthodontic pain will pass without incident in a week or two.

Finding Relief From Orthodontic Pain

Even mild dental pain can be incredibly distracting and make day-to-day activities difficult. It’s common for patients to report that eating, sleeping, and even speaking correctly are difficult. If you’re experiencing dental pain, your best bet is to reach out to your dental provider. They’ll be able to provide you with methods of addressing your orthodontic discomfort and ensure there are no more significant complications. So reach out to your dental provider and schedule a meeting today.

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Doctor Berg and Granddaughter

Doctor Robert Berg has established himself as the consummate dental professional in Garden City and the surrounding areas. For many years, Dr. Berg has been honored as a top dentist by the Consumer Research Council, America’s Top Dentists, and New York Top Dentists. He was also named as the best dental practice in Garden City by the Garden City Merchants Association.