Cosmetic Dental Bonding

happy dental patient

If you’ve been neglecting your teeth, then maybe it’s time for a cosmetic makeover with our dental bonding treatment! Our cosmetic bonding procedures are the perfect remedy for stains, chips, gaps, and spots on your teeth. For minor cosmetic problems, dental bonding provides a simple, cost-effective treatment to remove small gaps and chips and leave behind a better-looking smile. For parents looking for low-cost solutions, our practice offers dental bonding to help save the hassle of dental treatment and provide the utmost oral care.

The Basic Facts About Cosmetic Bonding

Veneers, crowns, and other treatments often don’t apply when tooth damage is not severe or widespread enough. Cosmetic bonding offers the perfect remedy for minor damage across the front teeth. This simple, inexpensive procedure allows us to correct minor issues that would typically go unnoticed, improving your teeth’ aesthetics and improving your self-confidence. But how exactly does cosmetic bonding work?

Parents looking into composite resins may find that these fillings may be just what you need because not only are they quickly applied, but they are also highly affordable. Composite resins have been used for over 50 years in restorative dentistry due to their wide range of benefits:

  • Aesthetics:  Composite resins are made of glass and plastic compounds, giving the teeth an aesthetic advantage that improves the capacity to withstand wear and stress and gives off that natural tooth quality you need.
  • Stability:  Cosmetic bonding works by filling the chips, spaces, cracks, and stains along with your teeth. Dentists use composite resin, a  tooth-colored material, and apply it directly to the tooth’s surface to fill in the imperfections and restore the natural function and look of your teeth.
  • Alternative  Value:  Composite resins, unlike amalgam fillings, have become more reliable over the past 20 years due to their extended lifespan and ability to protect the teeth from outside influences such as food-stains and enamel wear down.
  • Inexpensive:  While the cost of cosmetic bonding varies from practice, dental bonding, on average, costs between $300 to $600 per tooth. However dental bonding treatment can last up to 10 years due to its sturdy materials and preparation, making it a valuable investment for your teeth.

How We Perform Cosmetic Bonding

If you’ve been looking for a cosmetic solution for your teeth, then our practice can provide a comprehensive dental treatment plan that meets your needs and takes care of your family. For cosmetic bonding, our dentists will provide you a basic outline of the condition of your teeth and offer numerous solutions that can meet your needs, financial concerns, and other aspects of your dental care to provide you with a healthy, natural smile. For dental bonding, we perform your treatment under these basic procedural guidelines:

  • First, the procedure starts by roughening the surface of the tooth creating an even surface for the resin to be applied. In some cases, conditioning fluid will also be used to help the resin stick to the teeth.
  • Next, your dentist will use a composite resin to your teeth and mold them to a proper shape, using dental tools to smoother it down to allow the enamel of your teeth to adhere to the resin.
  • Afterward, a curing light will be used to harden the resin. This procedure only lasts for a few minutes to make sure there is a proper bond.
  • Finally, the resin will be smoothed and trimmed to provide you with a new smile!

Want to learn more about what Smile Solutions can offer you? Contact our practice to request a dental appointment today!