The Benefits Of Receiving Emergency Dental Implants

Model of implants

Throughout dental history, the loss of a tooth meant a lifetime with an imperfect smile. This loss came with difficulty speaking, eating, and getting proper nutrition. These effects could significantly impact the quality of life of those with missing teeth. Inadequate, costly, and often ineffective or dangerous dentures and implants have appeared in many cultures. It wasn’t until recently that innovations in restoration technology provided practical solutions. Dental implants are used to repair your smile quickly and effectively. Emergency dental implants are even available on the same day that the emergency occurred. Find out if this emergency solution will work for you and your oral health.

Understanding The Benefits Of Receiving Emergency Dental Implants

There’s a significant amount of pain that comes when a tooth has been broken or fractured. Despite this pain, a terrifying prospect for many patients is an imperfect smile. Teeth that have been damaged can often be restored with bridges and crowns. Unfortunately, these solutions require multiple visits. This fact means that your smile will be noticeably imperfect for the period between these visits. Emergency dental implants provide an immediate restoration option without the need for multiple visits.

When it has been determined that a damaged tooth will need to be extracted, these implants become an option. The process involves four steps that result in an immediately restored smile. These steps include:

  • Extraction – Removal of the damaged tooth and any fragments
  • Post Insertion – The insertion of an implant support post in your jaw
  • Temporary Crown – Placement of a temporary crown to restore your smile immediately
  • Permanent Crown – A permanent crown restores your smile indefinitely

Certain dental offices provide the opportunity to eliminate the third step. The development of in-office restoration fabrication centers means no waiting. The day you arrive, a digital impression will be taken and sent to this system. The permanent crown will be immediately produced and put into place during the same visit. These techniques represent the forward motion of dental technology. 

Implants have quickly become the restoration method of choice in modern dentistry. The scalability of the procedure is a significant contributor to this development. The benefits to your oral health are another driving factor. Receiving a dental implant does more than restore your smile. Additional implants can feasibly be mounted on the same post or other posts. The titanium of the post promotes the strengthening and development of your jawbone. This fact makes them an excellent option when a dental emergency involves damage to the jaw. It’s even possible to restore an entire arch with just a few posts.

Speak To Your Dentist To Determine If Emergency Implants Are Right For You

Regardless of the reason you need dental implants, they’re a significant investment. If you’re uncertain if this restoration technique is suitable for you, speak to your dentist. They’ll perform a complete exam and provide consultation on suitable restoration options for you. The advancement of implant technology is making this solution available at a growing number of offices. Call your dental provider and find out if this treatment is appropriate for you!

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Doctor Berg and Granddaughter

Doctor Robert Berg has established himself as the consummate dental professional in Garden City and the surrounding areas. For many years, Dr. Berg has been honored as a top dentist by the Consumer Research Council, America’s Top Dentists, and New York Top Dentists. He was also named as the best dental practice in Garden City by the Garden City Merchants Association.